Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friend Friday: Blog Pet Peeves!

It's Friday again! Sadly it is also a majorly busy weekend for me as the Heineken Cup final is on on Saturday and all the Irish will be down as of today, so I shall be busy busy busy and very tired by the end of it.

But I will tell you now, hopefully next week I shall have some big news for you, if everything goes to plan.

So on to todays Friend Friday post. This weeks topic is Blog Pet Peeves (how fun!). As always find everyone else's post over on Modly Chic.
I am going to make this quick and brief as I would like to get to bed so I can be up early in the morn for a long days work (I write my posts the night before just so you know)

So my 5 top blog pet peeves:

1. Music!! - My God I hate it. If you want to put music on your blog do not have it on auto play it drives most people mad! And it often makes me jump out of my skin as I am not expecting it.

2. Blogs that take ages to load because the writer has a fussy background and a million widgets (half of which are un-needed). I just wont bother waiting for it and I'll click off them. Oh and on the same thread I hate blogs that have silly fonts or silly colours, which are hard to read or even see. There is one in particular (I shall not name) that has a funny squiggly font and in an almost neon pink colour. I swear my eyes blur over just trying to read one line.

3. Random google ads all over the place. If you have genuine sponsors that is awesome, but I hate google ads which just advertise random things. Plus some blogs have them across the top, down the side and in between each post, it's just silly.

4. Blogs that just post a load of picture editorials or catwalk images in every post. That is interesting every now and again (I do it sometimes!) but if that is all you post, it gets boring and it's totally uncreative! Get some decent content and write something interesting.

5. Writers that steal other peoples content - DONT DO IT!! It's wrong, it's plagiarism, it's stealing! Most bloggers are happy to allow use of pictures and even certain content if you just ask permission!

I've realised that I could probably list another 5 peeves if I was allowed to ("follow me" comments!! Argh!!!), as this has kinda started some burning vent inside me, lol. But I shall be nice!

What are your pet peeves?
Actually is there anything up with my blog that annoys you, or that I could change to make it better?

Daisymay X

p.s. Don't forget to enter my Alex Keller Giveaway to win $25 to spend at her store


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