Thursday, May 26, 2011

Friend Friday: Haircare

Hello Ladies, I am back after my little birthday break.
I know it's Friend Friday but first I would like to announce the winner of my $25 Alex Keller voucher...drumroll please....

Entry Number 107

Oh, My Darling said...

Hearted the white lies - vintage skeleton key necklace

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I shall be emailing with details shortly.

So onto this week's Friend Friday

This weeks topic is Haircare. As usual nip on over to Modly Chic to see all the other wonderful ladies answers.

Here are mine:

How often do you get your hair cut?
Well that depends on the style. When I had my reclining bob I had to have it cut every 6-8 weeks. But as I am trying to grow it at the moment I haven't actually had the length cut in over a 8 months. I just get my fringe trimmed every few weeks.
My bob with original purple stripe

Do you go to the same stylist each time, try someone new, go to the cheap hair cutting chains or live it up in a salon?
Again it depends on what I am having done. For my proper hair styling and when I have a specific cut, like my bob, then I go to a regular hair dressers called Adam and Eve in Cardiff, and I only ever have the same stylist (Yana) to do my hair, but as I have been growing it I haven't been in over a year (she was very shocked when she spotted me in the street, with such long hair!)
When I just need a trim I have my old hair dresser at home to do it. Liz is a mobile hair dresser and one of my mothers best friends and has been trimming and cutting my hair since I was little.
Then a blue stripe, you can just about see

Do you color your hair? How often? What’s your natural colour?
What I currently have at the moment is my natural colour as I haven't coloured it in a very long time. But I used to have a brightly coloured stripe in it before I started blogging. I really miss the fun colours I had though uni and am wanting to go back to them.
Then a perm, not a great idea! But I did love to brush it out and get this pouffy 1980's style hair!

The one thing you always do to keep your hair looking great is:
I actually do very little to my hair in terms of treating it. I just wash it daily (or every other day) and I will comb a small amount of conditioner through it if I feel it is getting a little dry, but I only do that every 2 or 3 weeks really. I don't even treat it when I straighten it, which I know is bad, but I didn't even own a straightener until I was 19 and I have barely used one in the last 2 years since I grew out my bob.
This is my simple straight hair now, although this photo makes it look really dark for some reason

What hair trend do you love and wish you could rock?
Beachy waves, and messily wavy tousled hair. My hair is so pin straight naturally that it just doesn't take curls or waves at all!

So there you have it, my boring hair routines!

Daisymay X


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