Ruze z Pouti (translation, A Rose From the Fair) was written and designed in 1961 by Czech artist Zdenek Seydl, and sent as a New Year's wish to clients and friends of music and book publisher, SNKLHU in Prague. (The book originally included a gramophone record as an insertion and was published in an edition of 2000). I first discovered this wonderful book on the Flickrstream of JosefSkrhola. Seydl (1916–1978) was a prolific designer, illustrator, painter, stage and costume designer, toy designer, book designer, and author. He trained as a typographer's apprentice early in his career which influenced much of his later work. I can't help believing Seydl was somewhat influenced by the work of Paul Rand in his 1957 children's book, Sparkle and Spin, when designing the dust cover of Ruze z Pouti. This is a fair comparison if you check out the link and see the FAIR page spread. This takes nothing away from Seydl's work however, as the guy was brilliant. I can promise this won't be the last of it you find here either. |
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