Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spotlight on a Character Actress: Margaret Rutherford

Having recently watched all of the Miss Marple films from the 1960s in quick succession, I thought that it was time to give Margaret Rutherford a little credit, being an actress who doesn't often get that much publicity on blogs. Enjoy!

Margaret Rutherford (1892-1972)

Margaret Taylor Rutherford was an english character actress who appeared in classics such as The V.I.PsBlithe Spirit (one of my favourites), and the Miss Marple series. Due to her physical appearance and interesting mouth acrobatics that she did while speaking, she was restricted to only comedic and/or slightly insane parts. But she was well received and became known for her talent as an actress and she ended up in Noel Coward's own production on the stage of his play, "Blithe Spirit". Her success as the "psychic around the corner in a little country village" led to her recreating the role for the film adaptation of the play starring Rex Harrison. She was loved by audiences everywhere and the rest, as they say, is history.

I always have loved Margaret Rutherford in the Miss Marple murder mystery films and Blithe Spirit and The V.I.P.s. After only reading about her, she sounds a bit strange, but when you watch her you understand that her looks and strange facial expressions are all part of her style on screen.

Best Films To Start With:
  1. Murder She Said

  2. The V.I.Ps

  3. Blithe Spirit



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