Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Female Condom Causes Uproar in South Africa

Sample pack of a Female Condom 
A South Africa Judge, Sullette Potterill, recently stopped the government from buying 11 million packs of condom from China and re-awarded the contract to a Cape Town company because the made-in-China ones are too small for South African Women.

Setting aside the decision of the minister of finance to award the contract to a company that would import from China, it was reasoned that the Chinese female condom – ‘Phoenurse’ – have not been approved by the World Health Organisation and other relevant regulatory bodies. Furthermore, the product was discovered to be about 20 percent smaller than the approved size.

No doubt, female condom is a matter of high importance in South Africa in its battle against the indiscriminate spread of HIV/AIDS. The country currently has the highest recorded cases of infection in the world.


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