48 years old Babakura Fugu, the representative of late Boko Haram leader's family that received former President Olusegun Obasanjo in Maiduguri on Thursday, has been shot dead. He was killed on Saturday and his assailants were said to have been led by his own younger brother.
The reason he was killed, according to sources, may not be unconnected to the money that former president Olusegun Obasanjo was said to have given the family after the meeting. The money, whose exact figure has not been ascertained, is being rumoured to be have generated friction between the sect members and the now late Fugu.
According to sources, Boko Haram members had a formula in place for sharing whatever proceeds that comes into their purse, which are:
* Widows of members
* Zhakat
* Less privileged members
* Sukrah – the highest ruling organ of the sect
* Members who robbed or received the money.
* Less privileged members
* Sukrah – the highest ruling organ of the sect
* Members who robbed or received the money.
Unconfirmed reports have it that the late “Fugu may have jettisoned this sharing formula,” hence they decided to take him out... Lets hope and pray that this people put a stop to this killings otherwise nobody (Northerners) will agree to discuss with government or its proxies about Boko Haram issue again. Serious Wahala dey for this country ooo!
Additional report from Vanguard.
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