Monday, October 17, 2011

T.B. Joshua Drops Another Bombshell, Says Danger Looms

If you are among the few who have a means of livelihood, please start saving money and food stuffs vigorously if you must escape the coming 'danger'. According the General Overseer of the Synagogue Church, Prophet T.B. Joshua, a deadly protest may soon envelope Nigeria if our leaders fail to wake up to their responsibilities.

Already, analysts are trying to connect his latest round of prophesies to attempts by the federal government to remove fuel subsidy, a move many believe will further compound the sufferings of average Nigerians. Some are already promoting the idea that the removal of subsidy from petrol may be 'the last straw that would break the camel’s back'.

Prophet T.B. Joshua is speaking once again and giving his antecedents with prophesies, I'll urge Nigerians to heed his words and do what’s required to avert the looming 'danger'. Continue to read his latest prophesies...
Speaking from his pulpit during a Sunday Service in Lagos yesterday (16th of October 2011), televised live on his Emmanuel TV, the man of God said:
“Tell you neighbor... We believe in Pastors, we believe in evangelists, we believe in bishops. Anything that needs the attention of a Pastor, please call a Pastor. Anything that needs the attention of an Evangelist, please call an Evangelist…
Even my president (Goodluck Jonathan); my president said he’s setting up an economic team. But where is the spiritual economic team? They say they want to perform miracle with the economy. We are watching. Where is the miracle?
Unless they start using the crude [oil] money to better ordinary Nigerians… I see all those small people who are carrying files up and down, they rise against the big people... But when the problem will start, tomorrow, they should not say I am the cause... I have been praying for God to avert the danger.”
He said quite a lot, but this is the few I could capture. Hope those at the helm of affairs in this country are listening? Please, allow the wealth to go round.


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