Also through his Twitter account, the minister disclosed that he is working with relevant authorities to bring the culprit to book. “I Just spoke with the Hon. Minister of Police Affairs, who is now speaking with the IG on the ABSU gang rape case,” he tweeted.
Recalled that the Nigerian blogsphere was awash over the weekend with a video recording showing 'five bad boys' taking turns and turns on a helpless lady with impunity. She was cornered into a dark room, slapped around and harassed by the young men, presumably students of the same University, two of whom she apparently knew. They threatening to kill her if she does not 'corporate', even as her cries for mercy fell on deaf ears.
As a blogger, I watched a glimpse of the video and I can tell you it is the worse form of dehumanization any person can go through... I just hope our security agencies would rise to the occasion and bring this thugs to justice.
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